Moscow. November 12th. The East Communal of the Tagansko-Krasnoprosne Station of the Moscow Metro on Saturday, 14 November, closes in connection with the construction of the Third Ridge Station Location.
"The Westbül on the side of the last car from the center, and the adjacent gracious transition under the Good Highway will be closed until 30 December 2016," they said "Interfax" to the press service of the Metropolitan on Thursday.
It specified that, until then, the station could be accessed through the opposite lobby.
A second platform will be opened for passenger convenience at the Station ' s Station during construction and additional ticket sales will be installed on the public lobby.
The Metropolitan Administration promises that, in order to inform passengers, specialists will amend the signs on the station and post information posters. In addition, additional staff will be provided between 14 and 20 November to provide the necessary information to the city ' s Moscow and guests.
"With the completion of the Third Riding Contour, the main strategic objective will be to be achieved: our passengers will no longer have to go to the transplant centre. This will significantly shorten the time on the road, make comfort in transplants and unload the subway central stations, and quote the first Deputy Chief of Metropolitan Yuri Degtyrev the subway press service.
The Horoshev Station is a third transplant station, located in the west of Moscow, parallel to the Tagansko-Krasnoprosne Line Station, with which it will form a single landing unit in the future. The new station will assist in the partial unloading of the Tagansco-Krasnopronian line.