More than a million people in Moscow and Moscow are using this mode daily. 95 per cent of the trips lasted at least 10 minutes, during which time the passenger was able to read and remember the promotional information.
Sociologists estimate that more than 89 per cent of the working-age population of the capital and suburbs is positive and inclined to trust such advertisements. The ad on the route looks natural.
Advertising advantages in routes:
Types of advertisements in the route taxi
Advertising along the routes can be both an autonomous way of promotion and a part of an integrated marketing campaign. The strategy is determined on a case-by-case basis, depending on the volume of trade envisaged in the advertising budget, the composition of the target audience, potential buyers interested in the product, services.
By way of microbus accommodation, advertising is subdivided into external and internal.
Internal advertising in the salon. The information bearers are self-propelled extensions which are located on the walls of the lounge, on the backs of the seats in the head restraints, less on the ceiling. This advertisement draws the attention of potential buyers, customers to the opening of a new shop, a café, a law firm, and also reports discounts, sales, shares.
External ads on the route. The colored image is placed on the side of a minibus, a service advertised or a product attracts the attention not only of public transport passengers, but also of motorists, pedestrians, all who live near, work, buys. This provides an opportunity to gain early knowledge of the brand.
Why are advertisers choosing us and becoming our permanent customers, the benefits of the Mira Reklam?