An interactive map of Moscow in the form of a 178 square metres " lithbox " , which was built into the floor, opened today at the famous " House of Brest " the Deputy Mayor of the Capital City for Urban Policy and Construction of Marat Husnollin.
" Today we are launching a unique service, an interactive map of Moscow, as part of a pilot project. It's the biggest airbox in the world. It can be said that today the Moscow has the opportunity to see and assess the large urban changes that are taking place in the city. The Mayor decided to establish an interactive map of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin following visits to such centres in Beijing and Shanghai. They visit up to 4 to 5 million people per year abroad.” M. Hussein♪
The multimedia hardware and software package consists of high-resolution projectors, a screen of 27 plasma panels and audio equipment. This allows for the possibility of projecting and accentuating the light of one or more objects.
Six film projectors are projecting images that show, for example, roads reconstructed in certain years, new and new subway stationsplanned for the construction of transport and transplants (TVs).
During the press show, journalists demonstrated plans for the development of the Jawnikov, kindergartens, to be launched in 2014, and roads built on New Moscow.
Zambera noted that public hearings were planned for the most important urban areas. " On this map, it is possible to show what the Territory looks like now, what it looks like in the future, to show all the adjacent roads, subway stations and rail branches " , explained by M. Husnollin.
He noted that, according to preliminary data, Stroupplex was waiting annually for up to 1 million visitors to the information centre, where an interactive map was posted.