The Moscow interactive map at the Brest House will have a new function before the end of the year. It will be complemented by presentations by historical people, the siege of the capital, promson and urban development programmes until 2020.
This map has no similarities in the world. It is carried out in the form of a 178 square metres glass " lithbox " and is mounted on the floor.
The map is a working tool that professionals can use to inform the city about urban solutions.
In the future, anyone who wishes will be able to come and manage the map with a computer. In the meantime, a system of guided lecture sessions is being developed. In this way, guided tours and fascinating lectures will be held during the day at which the map is displayed. For example, the construction of a subway or the territorial development of the capital.
The developers of GBU ' s Mostroyinform ' s maps, based on archival materials, modern photos and video content, are presenting new information and thematic presentations on the topics: " Moskva ' s old-fashioned buildings, " Moscow ' s history: from ancient to our days " , " Industrial zones " , Moscow. Development programmes until 2020. "
Remember, Moscow interactive map became the centre of the permanent construction exhibition at the Clearing House.