Moscow, Podmoskovje St. Petersburg | Moscow's map is often needed if you don't know how to go or go to a stranger's address. In the Soviet era, manuals were published listing all the streets of the city, where there were verbal descriptions of the street, spectacle, alley. Imagine how hard it was to live in the preinternet age! Now all the Moscow cards are in front of your eyes on the computer or phone screen. To find the street and house on the map of Moscow or the towns and villages of Moscow province, you can use one of the search systems:
The default will open your city's map, and if it's not Moscow, you'll just have to put in a field to find the right address with the city of Moscow. Any of these maps can not only find the right address, but also route to Moscow and the Moscow region, including sampling. It's enough to press the reference to the Marsruts, to indicate the starting and final points and to press the button of "Project." A complete description of the road route in the car will be shown on the left, indicating the total length, time and length of each section, as well as the options for travel along the lines of transport, transplant and travel time. The Moskovsky Metropolitan Lines Scheme - with this service, it can be found how to travel from one Moscow subway station to another. It's enough for a mouse to indicate the starting and final station and a description of the route, the transplant station and the travel time will be available on the left. You can find an optimum route with a minimum transplant or minimum travel time. |