Mapping Stations

September 24, 2024
Схемы метро Минска

Схема-1901-года1901 Town Railway Line Scheme for P.I. Rashev Project

One of the oldest schemes in our collection. The project involved linking the Imperial Railways with Finnish and maintaining the long, suburban and urban traffic in St. Petersburg. To this end, several railway lines were decided to be built through the centre of the city. It's a great proposal to build an additional General Station near the Carcoselski (now Vitebsk).

1902 S.N. Kulzyn Project Scheme

4An engineer Kulzynski proposed the construction of a fast track on the Water Canal and the Ligovi Prospect. Translation of the line connects the five largest urban areas, but slightly different from what was implemented in 1955. No additional lines were envisaged in the centre of the city.

1914 Scheme

The first of the two versions of the Petropolitan Project in Petrograd, 1914. The project provided for the construction of an over-ground line from the Narw bailiff to continue on the waterway. In the area of Zvnigorod Street, the line went underground, under the Cabinet Street (now Pravda Street) to the Nev Prospect, further through the arrow of Vasiliev Island, the Petrograd side and through the Aptekar and Kaman Islands to the New Village and the Lanski Railway Station.

The second of the two versions of the Petropolitan Project in Petrograd, 1914. Unlike the first option, two lines are proposed. The first line is similar to the first option, but has a different route in the middle of the city through the Griboedov Canal (possibly envisaged. ♪

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